2020-04-23 - 2020-04-27


  • Start: 2020-04-23
  • End: 2020-04-27
  • Cost: FREE
  • Event Category Industry


  • Website https://www.facebook.com/PTTC.GMEA/

Co-presented with ASEAN Society Philippines and Management Association of the Philippines , DTI-PTTC-GMEA holds a comprehensive, three-part Webinar Series  “BOUNCING BACK: A Shared Future in A Changed World” to assist #MSMEs in preparing to MITIGATE, MANAGE, and MOVE FORWARD – and start the process of putting their businesses back on track.

  • Part I. SITUATIONER: Exiting the ECQ
    23 April | 10AM – 12NN
    Provide updates on #COVID19 situation, what it means and what #MSMEs should know and plan for
    Generate awareness on existing financial assistance for enterprises and options to manage liquidity challenges if assistance will not materialize
  • Part II. SUPPORT: Conditional Freedom
    24 April | 3PM – 5PM
    Provide insights on how to pace back the business operation – moving from conditional lifting of #ECQ to gradual return to normalcy
  • Part III. STABILIZE: Learning to Live Again
    27 April | 3PM – 5PM
    Provide insights on how to pick up the business in a changed world

Check details at DTI-PTTC-GMEA FB page.