Let us explore industries involved based on the Strategic Vision of THE PHILIPPINE NATIONAL TOURISM DEVELOPMENT PLAN 2011-2016 and check if your industry fits in: Improving market access and connectivity As the government expands capacity of…
Philippine Tourism Investment Choices : By Location
In its quest to reach its targets of 10 million international and 35.5 million domestic tourists by 2016, the Department of Tourism unveiled in 2012 the Philippine National Tourism Development Plan. a P265-billion national tourism blueprint .…
Tourism Investment Opportunities : Philippines
In January 2013, the Department of Tourism reports a new milestone for Philippine tourism was achieved as arrivals to the country reached 4,272,811 visitors making a 9.07% increase from the 3,917,454 tourists who came in 2011. It was the first time that the country passed the 4 millionth arrivals.…
Government Agencies Involved in Philippine Tourism Investment
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) The SEC is the government agency responsible for the registration, licensing, regulation and supervision of all corporations and partnerships organized in the Philippines, including foreign corporations licensed to engage in…
Principal Industries in Tourism
Moving on to scouting for the right tourism business that suits your interest and budget, lets explore the six principal industries involved in Tourism as follows : 1. Transportation AIR - Air transportation companies SEA -…