Let us explore industries involved based on the Strategic Vision of THE PHILIPPINE NATIONAL TOURISM DEVELOPMENT PLAN 2011-2016 and check if your industry fits in:
- Improving market access and connectivity
As the government expands capacity of secondary international airports, and connectivity between strategic destinations, we expect a lot of infrastructures benefiting those in the construction industry. The program cites 23 domestic airports, 21 seaports , and 28 strategic connecting roads with total distance of approximately 850kms, which will be improved, rehabilitated, and upgraded.
Likewise on destination infrastructure, there are 6 locations for provision of water and water treatment , 4 locations for power provision, and solid waste management for 27 locations. Definitely, all players in this line will also benefit.
Design and construction of tourism information centers and support infrastructure are in line for 26 tourism development areas. Improvements on tourism sites access for visitors will also be done. Likewise infrastructures that will help develop diversified tourism products that will engage local communities will also be built such as major Mixed-use Tourism complexes in the vicinity of the International Airports . Retail, food and hospitality industry will greatly benefit in this endeavor.
- Developing and marketing competitive tourist destinations and products
- Improving tourism institutional, governance and human resource capacities